Sohrab Ferdowsi


Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory
Stochastic Information Processing Group
Computer Science Department, University of Geneva
Battelle campus, Building A
7, route de Drize
CH-1227 Carouge (Geneva), Switzerland

Postal address:
Sohrab Ferdowsi
Battelle Bat. A
Rte de Drize 7
CH - 1227, Carouge (GE), Switzerland
+41(22)379 0180
Office: #225


Research and teaching assistant at the Department of Computer Science, University of Geneva


Sohrab Ferdowsi joined the Stochastic Information Processing group in Fall 2012. He is graduated from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran with a degree in Electrical/Biomedical Engineering. He is pursuing his PhD in Computer Science in the University of Geneva.


For my PhD thesis I am studying the learning and information theoretic aspects of the problem of data representation/ dictionary learning for visual data. In particular, I am investigating the role of data representation on applications like image compression/encryption, content identification and biometric systems.

I also have a background in signal processing during my master's degree where I was working on biomedical signals and speech.

Keywords: machine learning, information theory, learning theory, signal processing, lossy source coding, dictionary learning, computer vision


I am currently the teaching assistant of:

  • Éléments de la theorie de l'information (Elements of information theory) - a bachelor's course (in French)
  • Analysis and processing of information - a master's course (in English)


Please refer to the publications page in the SIP website.